An oldie, but goodie! Jeff and I wrote this "Passover story" a few years ago, when Emmet was delighted by (obsessed with) Sandra Boynton board books. Enjoy!!
A Pharoah says “WORK!”
The Jews say “Nahhhh”
Baby Moses in the river cries
“Whaa Whaa Whaa”
Moses was saved
Raised by Pharoah’s crew
Even within the palace walls
Moses knew he was a Jew
“No, No” Moses says
“This isn’t right
My fellow Jews work
All day and night”
Moses warns of plagues
“There will be 10 in a row
Pharoah, if you don’t let
My people go”
Pharoah says
With a hardened heart
“Sorry Mo
No Jews will depart”
Blood said, “drip”
And Frogs said, “ribbit”
Vemin said, “squeak”
And beasts said, “GIBBET”
Cattle disease said, MOO…aaahhh
And boils said, “Pop”
Hail said, “Ping, Ping, Ping”
Locusts ate the crop
Darkness took over
Pharoah was torn
Then came the Slaying
Of the first born
Pharoah said to Moses
“You Jews are so clever”
“Gather up your things
And leave Egypt forever”
The Jews left so quickly
Without time for bread to rise
Pharoah changed his mind
And yelled, “GO GET THOSE GUYS!”
Pharoah almost caught the Jews
But for them G-d parted the sea
The Jews made it across safely
And then they were finally free
Happy Pesach!!!
xo Lisa and Jeff
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